Dear Easter Bunny

Easter is going to be a little different this year, huh?

This year everyone is celebrating Easter a little differently than in years past. For some families the Easter Bunny will still come and the only difference will be that we all must celebrate only with the people who live with us or find a way to celebrate virtually with extended family.

For other families there a number of reasons why including the Easter Bunny in this year's Easter traditions just won't work.

  • Perhaps 'stay at home' orders have been announced in the area.
  • Perhaps someone in the home is immuno-comprised and worried about the germs the bunny might bring. 
  • Perhaps someone in the home is sick and worried about the bunny getting germs on his fur and carrying them off to another home.

However you and your family choose to celebrate this year, we have some resources available to make sure we all get through this year's celebrations the best we can, together. 


In this PDF we've included 3 different notes to leave for the Easter Bunny
(2 go together)


The first note says: 


"Dear Easter Bunny, Thank You for Coming! We created a safe (sanitized) area for you to deliver our Easter baskets to. You will find it _________. Your Friend Forever, ________"



The second note says:

"Easter Bunny You found your special spot! Do you like how we decorated it for you? We know how tricky it is to get all the baskets delivered this year and we Thank You so much for going the extra mile to make sure me and my family still have a nice Easter. You're the best! Your Friend Forever, _______"



The third note says:

"Easter Bunny Thank you for coming, but... My family and I are especially concerned about the virus going around. We have everything we really need and we know that there are other families who don't. So please, just this one year, deliver my basket (as an extra) to another kid who has less than I do. Your Friend Forever, _______"


All 3 notes are included in the same download so that you can have them in hand to discuss with your family.

Many times discussing hard decisions with the kids they affect, can help those kids to understand why the hard decision was really not a decision at all, but something that just had to be accepted.

(If the email box doesn't appear right away, just refresh the page.)